Empowering vocal performers with transformative training.

1:1 coaching and courses for the dedicated singer

Sustainable singing
Voice Performance Coaching
Voice care and Wellness Guidance
Focused Support
Some of Alida's Clients have performed on:

Transform Your Voice

Improve your range, eliminate breaks, increase stamina, and develop sustainability and longevity in your voice and singing. Singing lessons for all levels. From beginner to advanced training.
Vocal Technique for singers
Voice Care Guidance
Vocal Performance Coaching
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Mentoring Vocal Performers

Hi! My name is Alida.

My experience and education as a voice teacher and vocal coach has given me the tools to equip my clients with specialized training and support as they move forward in their vocal goals.
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what clients say

Since working with Alida, I have become more connected with my chest voice, which has not only improved my singing but also has significantly clarified my craft in acting. She is an inspirational teacher, always encouraging me to broaden my musical avenues by supporting guitar and songwriting. Alida has safely helped shape my voice enabling me to create a tone that is unique to me.

Emily Bett Rickards

Start your day off on the right note with a quick, 3-minute voice workout!

This morning workout, one for high voices and one for low voices, will get your voice into its optimal place for both singing and speaking. It stretches up to your full range and targets your speaking voice area leaving you feeling more resonant and ready for the day. 


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First-Time Client Session

Sharpen Your Skills

Your session will include a comprehensive vocal assessment, introduction to vocal technique and customized training best suited for your voice. Lesson recording included.

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